phone : 22925263-021
fax : 22925271-021
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Pars Arin Zemin Geological Research Center
  • ادمین
  • تیر 31، 1400
  • 4

Abbas Maghsoudi

Name and Surname

Abbas Maghsoudi



B.Sc. in geology University of Shahid Beheshti, 1977

M.Sc. in economic geology, Research institute of geosciences, geological survey and mineral exploration of Iran, ---

Ph.D. student of Economic Geology, Shahid Beheshti University,---



Economic Geology


Job Title

Geological Survey of Iran, since 2001

Cooperation with Arianzamin,

Preparing 7 geochemical maps, scale 1:100,000

Preparing 10 reports in mining exploration


Work Experience

Geochemist of the geological survey of Iran



1 paper,

The primary resource of Iron and their metallogeny to the northwest, Foolad symposium, 1999

1 book,

Gold deposits and indications in Iran, published by Arainzamin


Research Activity

Research works in geological exploration and environmental geology


Computer background

Full acquaintance with specialized softwares such as: CADMAP, SURFER, STRATIGRAPH, STATISTICA, SYSTAT, SPSS